Comedic Pursuits could always use some help when it comes to maintaining the site, creating and distributing content, and coming up with new ideas.
What are the goals of Comedic Pursuits?
- Bring the DC comedy community together across genres, styles, theaters, and established groups
- Create a space to share ideas about comedy in DC
- Alert people to all the comedy shows DC has to offer
How you can help
Comedic Pursuits accepts many different kinds of contributions, but there are a few main things you can do to help out.
Write a post
Comedic Pursuits is based on sharing ideas and know-how. If you think you understand a comedic concept really well, pitch it. If you know the ins and outs of some facet of the DC comedy world, pitch it. If a comedy idea has been floating around in your brain, and you want the world to know, pitch it.
It’s as simple as filling out the pitch form with a summary of the post you’d like to write or see on Comedic Pursuits. We can’t guarantee that all ideas or pitches will get picked up, but we’ll read every single pitch.
Don’t feel like your writing is up to snuff? That’s totally fine! If the subject of your post is interesting, we’ll do our best to get it on the blog by interviewing you about it or providing edits for written work.
Lend a hand
Not everyone who contributes to Comedic Pursuits is or wants to be a writer. If you’ve got a skill you think would be useful to Comedic Pursuits or that would be helpful in expanding the types of content and experiences Comedic Pursuits can offer, we’d love to hear about it!
Here are some of the things other people have done in the past or are planning to do in the future to contribute to Comedic Pursuits:
- Conduct interviews
- Edit podcast episode audio
- Film short videos
- Provide graphic design advice
- Edit blog posts
- Brainstorm marketing campaigns
- Bring snacks to meetings
Here’s how you can get in touch:
- Send an email to with the subject line “I’d like to help”
- Send a direct Facebook message to Comedic Pursuits
Send funding
It costs money to run a website. And it costs time to write posts, create podcasts, design Instagram photos, and track down comedy events happening citywide. Comedic Pursuits is currently funded through the goodness of our hearts and the money we’ve found between couch cushions. However, we’ve been told that that’s not a viable business plan.
We accept monetary contributions through our PayPal account.
100% of all contributions will go directly to maintaining and improving the Comedic Pursuits site or funding the creation of Comedic Pursuits content.
If you like the site, consider sending a few dollars our way.
Let us know what you want
One of the best ways you can contribute to this site is by letting us know what you’d like to see from it. Think you could use a member portal? Great, we can work on that. Want more of a certain type of content? Perfect, we want to know what it is. Know of a performer, writer, or group whose work you’d like to see featured on the blog? Amazing, tell us who they are.
The main goal of this blog is to serve the DC comedy community, so please let us know how we can best do that.
Again, you can get in touch by:
- Sending an email to
- Sending a direct Facebook message to Comedic Pursuits
A little bit more about us
Comedic Pursuits was started by Kelsie Anderson as a way to better connect with and understand the DC comedy community. Her ultimate goal is to bring together a wide variety of creative comedic minds to talk about comedy. She’d love your help.
If you have a question about the site, feel free to get in touch via email or direct Facebook message, as mentioned above.