Thanks for your interest in creating a profile for the Comedic Pursuits DC comedy directory of improv groups. Please fill out the form below to get started, and read on to find answers to some frequently asked questions.
Why are you creating this directory?
DC’s indie improv scene is booming, which is great! But the more teams there are on the scene, the harder it is to keep track of who’s who.
In addition to creating a database of DC improv teams, adding your team to the directory allows you to:
- Make your group more visible to indie showrunners
- Keep your group information handy for repetitive show submission forms
- Have an official webpage with all your team’s information (without needing to maintain an official group website).
Do we have to have lots of experience to submit our group?
Nope! If you want showtime, you should submit your group. However, please keep in mind that we’d like to maintain a fairly updated group directory. If your team isn’t interested in performing regularly, think twice about submitting your group.
Can we submit our group if we’re affiliated with a theater?
Go for it! This directory is meant to serve as a database of actively performing DC improv groups, indie and otherwise.
What should I do if I want to edit or delete my profile?
We’re working on a better system for this, but for now, please email for all questions, edits, or deletions.
We will also save your email address so we can contact you regarding regular site maintenance and edits. This is purely for maintenance and support, and we promise you will NOT receive any promotional materials, spam, or otherwise unwanted email communications.
How can I see only my group’s profile page?
Either click on your profile picture or the link that says “View full profile.” This should pull up a page solely dedicated to you and your group’s information.
It’s been 24–48 hours. Why don’t I see my profile on the site?
We are humans and are adding your information manually to the site. One of us may have fallen ill, gone on vacation, or been taken down in a zombie apocalypse. We sincerely apologize for any delay and encourage you to send a (kindly worded) enquiry about the status of your profile to